Throughout his life, John has relished sharing his films and his perspectives of life with people of all backgrounds. From the outset his film group became recognized on British Television as a rather unusual collection of university biologists that made amazing films of topics that the public would never have known about (E.g. mating behavior of fleas.) This novel combination of being Oxford academics who had the knowledge and talents to deliver unimaginable views of the secrets of nature lead them to be asked to speak at all types of events.
Most of his colleagues did not enjoy putting on a show but John happily seized every opportunity and came to be sought out as a keynote speaker at conferences throughout the world.

Keynote at international medical meeting.
Emmy Award-Winning Films
Adding brief animal sequences to the content of his presentations proved to be popular for all manner of audiences and this lead to all sorts of unheralded opportunities. A prestigious group of young corporate presidents who held national and international meetings found that John’s presentations proved highly popular with their members and took him around the world for several years speaking alongside many eminent business, societal and geopolitical leaders. And by sitting in on other speakers’ talks, he learned a huge amount about different aspects of life that he would never have otherwise encountered.
His trademark then and now has been to show short segments from his Emmy-Awarded, National Geographic wildlife films (narrated live) as metaphors to make the main points of presentations stick in the minds of his audiences. This entertaining approach has been successfully applied not just to general strategies of dealing with change (a topic for which Nature has a lot of experience to share) but also very specific topics based on John’s personal research and experience.